
why spiritual counseling?

As an ordained Interfaith Minister, Rev. David Kin has been trained in Spiritual Counseling, to work with clients challenged with grief, loss, depression, marriage and relationship issues and more. He is located between York and Lancaster Pennsylvania.

At one time or another, it seems we all need to reach out for support. Life has a way of breaking down even the best among us, does it not? Unfortunately for most, we learn and grow most often thru pain as opposed to anything else. Upon reflection, I can scarcely think of yet another way for one to acquire the virtue of humility. Can you?

As such, it is important to see that pain and discontentment play a natural and sometimes functional part in our lives. Though that is the case, some of us find ourselves stuck in prolonged and intense periods where it may seem we have little cause for hope to make it out the other side. In those instances, we come face to face with the fact that we can’t make it on our own. Perhaps we feel weak and vulnerable and when we compare ourselves to others we begin to lose confidence, feeling like we just can’t manage? No doubt there are tremendous pressures of all sorts facing us in this unique period of our planet’s history. Indeed, more than ever modern man is isolated. Yet despite this apparent weakness, perhaps when we reach such moments and periods of anguish and despair, we are closer than we might imagine to accessing a strength superior to our own? Considering the help, talents and wisdom of other people, perhaps during such periods we truly are more open to receive and therefore potentially grow on a magnitude greater than we have ever previously encountered?

For those that find themselves in such a place, there are many options regarding counselors and therapists, each offering a unique assortment of tools and services. Some specialize in drug assessment and rehabilitation, some in marital conflict, some in neurological pathology, others in child psychology and a host of others. Regardless of need, the one unique and powerful feature of spiritual counseling is that it is a pathway which seeks for help from a transcendent, Divine, and benevolent source. However elusive, lies the very real possibility of a loving source beyond our own opinions, conceptions and past memories. Spiritual counseling, regardless of form, is an authentic attempt to call, connect and unite to this mystical source for strength, growth and healing.  Be it in the form of spirit guides, angels, deceased loved ones, brothers and sisters from “the star nations” or ultimately some aspect of God or the Divine, spiritual counseling simply subscribes and acknowledges that “other forces” do exist and are available to help us! It is this conviction that separates spiritual counseling from other forms of therapy. Only relatively recently has our collective science and particularly our understanding of the Quantum world shown us how reality is often far different than our limited five senses reveal. Yet for millennia, our forefathers and foremothers have continually looked to the heavens and subscribed to the belief that we are not left alone, orphaned in this universe; that greater realities exist contrary to our limited perspective.

By no means do I advocate that spiritual counseling is a substitute for clinical intervention from trained and accredited professional staff, yet it has its own place and unique potentials that may help and supplement other forms of care .